Hattula, Finland


Original beginning story of the Battlegroup-series can be found here.

Pirkanmaa offensive

In summer 2018 Pirkanmaa conducted a large offensive against Uusimaa-targets claiming partial territorial victories. Eventually Uusimaa's strong grip of its territories and resources stopped Pirkanmaa's advancement towards Helsinki. Therefore Pirkanmaa failed its objective to separate Uusimaa's western and eastern fronts from each other.
Situation allowed Åland to pursue its independence while the battle of Parola’s heavy armor ended when armored vehicles were buried in Ilveskallio caves.

United Nations in combat

Rumors about Ilveskallio mass murders drove UN forces into a difficult situation.
Other UN observation fronts didn’t participate in the combat but trust on Uusimaa and Pirkanmaa was lost and the future of the operation became uncertain. At the same time OSCE decided to end observation missions in the middle of an escalating war.

Civilians in the center of the crisis

Battles have caused lots of grief and death amongst the civilian population in the warzone. Casualties have risen up to hundreds. Rumors say that only moments before the explosion of the armoured vehicle hangars the Civilians and the UN took many casualties when Pirkanmaa opened fire upon the approaching group of protestors consisting of Civilians and UN soldiers.

Battlegroup 17